Quattro braccia e sette mani di Enzo Cucchi
Enzo Cucchi Special Edition è una preziosa pubblicazione di grandi disegni dell’autore e ogni pagina è la riproduzione di un’opera. Tiratura 1000 copie Formato cm 64 x 46 a pieghe – Carta Papyrus Terraprint Gloss 80 gm2 – Contenitore busta cucita in tela grezza – chiusura con velcro – serigrafia 2 colori.
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Enzo Cucchi Special Edition è anche nel multiplo d’autore Enzo Cucchi Limited Edition.
ENZO CUCCHI (Morro d’Alba, 14 November 1950). After debuts in the conceptual field, he arrived at figuration, becoming one of the main exponents of the historical core of the Transavantgarde. In works on canvas, accompanied by numerous drawings and often published by poetic texts written by himself, he reappropriates, with a visionary gaze, myth, art history and literature. It creates compositions of great symbolic intensity, in which the world is represented as a battleground between two opposing principles. After great compositions with the use of charcoal and collage, he experimented with the use of different materials, including earth, burnt wood, neon tubes and iron. His works are present in the most authoritative collections and museums in the world.
QUOTATIONS It is almost impossible to give average market values as particularly significant works can reach extremely high prices. By way of example, we indicate the values of works auctioned in public auction. 2006 “Holy picture”, 1980 oil on canvas cm 205 x 202 – € 829.280 London, Christie’s -2006 “Evil Eye”, oil on canvas 38 x 38 cm – € 42,048 – London, Sotheby’s.
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